[12:45:26utc] You have successfully logged in gyeonggun Seo.
[12:45:38utc] Your flight to RKSS has now been started.
[12:45:39utc] Aircraft boarding in progress
[12:50:29utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:50:31utc] Detected aircraft taxiing
[12:50:54utc] Starting engine(s)
[12:52:21utc] FLAPS 2
[12:55:47utc] Landing lights ON
[12:55:49utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:56:49utc] Landing lights ON
[12:57:46utc] Detected take-off roll, WIND 090/2kt
[12:58:15utc] Departing RJFF, IAS 152kt, G-force 1.01g, pitch -9.58deg, bank -0.92deg, VS -51fpm, HDG 332deg
[12:58:17utc] Gear UP, IAS 155kt, GS 161kt, ALT 40ft
[12:58:23utc] Aircraft at 200ft, IAS 160kt, GS 165kt, HDG 333deg, TAT 25deg, WIND 089/3kt
[12:58:40utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 161kt, GS 165kt, VS 2465fpm, ALT 850ft, PITCH -16.17deg, HDG 331deg, TAT 25deg, WIND 092/2kt
[12:59:40utc] FLAPS 1, IAS 191kt
[12:59:46utc] FLAPS UP, IAS 198kt
[13:02:24utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 10270ft
[13:13:08utc] Aircraft at 28720ft, IAS 296kt, GS 420kt, HDG 317deg, TAT -2deg, WIND 274/52kt
[13:28:03utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 28500ft, IAS 315kt, GS 437kt, HDG 312deg, VS -988fpm, TAT 0deg, WIND 277/54kt
[13:35:49utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 296kt, GS 375kt, VS 282fpm, ALT 16160ft, PITCH -2.07deg, HDG 302deg, TAT 11deg, WIND 226/21kt
[13:36:06utc] Aircraft at 16180ft, IAS 297kt, GS 375kt, HDG 302deg, TAT 11deg, WIND 226/21kt
[13:36:48utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 16060ft, IAS 273kt, GS 354kt, HDG 324deg, VS -990fpm, TAT 8deg, WIND 224/21kt
[13:42:31utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 9840ft
[13:46:08utc] FLAPS 1, IAS 214kt
[13:46:35utc] Gear DOWN, IAS 214kt, GS 225kt, ALT 3070ft
[13:47:18utc] FLAPS 2, IAS 189kt
[13:47:25utc] FLAPS 3, IAS 183kt
[13:47:37utc] FLAPS 4, IAS 179kt
[13:47:47utc] FLAPS FULL, IAS 168kt
[13:48:11utc] On approach, IAS 142, VS -772fpm, ALT 1550ft, pitch -1.52deg, HDG 314deg
[13:50:23utc] Aircraft at 70ft, IAS 142kt, GS 140kt, HDG 313deg, TAT 24deg, WIND 260/6kt
[13:50:26utc] Landed with a landing rate of -148fpm, touchdown speed 142kt, G-force 1.02g, pitch -3.34deg, bank 0.35deg
[13:50:29utc] Spoilers DEPLOYED
[13:50:50utc] Aircraft taxiing to the ramp
[13:50:53utc] FLAPS 4
[13:50:56utc] FLAPS 3
[13:50:56utc] Spoilers RETRACTED
[13:50:58utc] FLAPS 2
[13:50:59utc] FLAPS 1
[13:51:06utc] FLAPS UP
[13:52:39utc] Landing lights OFF
[13:52:46utc] Landing lights ON
[13:52:48utc] Landing lights OFF
[13:55:06utc] Landing lights ON
[13:55:08utc] Landing lights OFF
[13:57:08utc] Landing lights ON
[13:57:10utc] Landing lights OFF
[13:57:56utc] Landing lights ON
[13:57:58utc] Landing lights OFF
[13:58:09utc] Landing lights ON
[14:00:29utc] Engine(s) shutdown
[14:00:29utc] Aircraft parked